Tag: skirt

  • Sew Tulle Tiers on a Dress

    Sew Tulle Tiers on a Dress

    TweetSharePin11 SharesRecently, there was an event where my daughter needed a formal dress. We had a dress but wanted to make it a bit more special. So we decided to sew tulle to the skirt to make it more “twirlable” and fuller. I also added another skirt layer out of taffeta to be a bit…

  • Sew a maxi dress into a skirt

    Sew a maxi dress into a skirt

    TweetSharePin4040 SharesI’ve been doing a lot of “shopping in my closet” lately, and I thought I’d share my latest project where I sew a maxi dress into a skirt. Sure, shopping in the store or buying patterns is great. But in this quick beginner sewing tutorial, I’ll show you how I got a “new” skirt…

  • How to make a skirt narrower

    TweetSharePin3434 SharesA little while back I picked up a dress from a charity thrift shop. The only thing was it was a bit too big over the hips and I wanted to make it narrower -but that is a relatively easy fix! In this case the skirt was a little loose on me, but you…